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  Pak. J. Bot., 39(7): 2535-2540, 2007.


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  Updated: 09-07-09

Effects of salinity and waterlogging on ion uptake and growth of wheat varieties


Keerio M. IBRAHIM1*, David Wright2, R. B. Mirbahar1 and Mahjabeen Panhwar1


Abstract: Salinity and waterlogging are the widespread problems of many areas of Pakistan. Wheat varieties were tested at salinity, waterlogging and saline-waterlogging treatments for their performance to Na+, K+, stomatal conductance, SPAD (Special Products Analysis Division) chlorophyll, grain dry weight, ear/plant and grain/plant measurements. Na+ content in leaves was continuously increased with saline and saline-waterlogged treatments. Also, K+ content was increased with salinity treatment but decreased with saline-waterlogged treatment. Stomatal conductance decreased with waterlogging, saline and saline-waterlogged treatments but SPAD readings were not influenced by these treatments. Generally, waterlogging increase the grain dry weight, ear and grain number per plant. However, this was greatly reduced by saline and saline-waterlogged treatments in all varieties.


1Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam, Pakistan,

2SAFS, University of Wales, Bangor, UK.

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