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Pak. J. Bot., 44: 203-210, Special Issue March 2012.


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  Updated: 26-04-12



phenotypic Divergence in Guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) Landrace Genotypes of Pakistan


maria sultan1, M. Ashiq Rabbani2, Zabta K. Shinwari3* AND M. SHAHID Masood2


Abstract: Guar is an important commercial and export crop of Pakistan. Genetic improvement of guar regarding its yield potential has never been addressed in Pakistan. Present work was carried out to evaluate 101 guar accessions collected from diverse areas of Pakistan. Fourteen quantitative and three qualitative characters were taken under observation to estimate substantial variation and relationship among guar genotypes and identify promising accessions for future exploitation. Considerable and dissimilar level of variability was noticed for a number of agro-morphological traits on the basis of analysis of variation. High variation in germplasm was found for days to maturity, plant height, pods per plant and pod length. The correlation coefficient analysis depicted positive and significant correlation of branches per plant, clusters per plant, pods per cluster, pods per plant and pod width with seed yield plant-1, while days to flower initiation, 50% flowering, days to maturity and plant height were found in significant negative correlation with seed yield plant-1. Principal component analysis displayed significant variation with 30.79% of the total variation for PC1, 16.71% for PC2, PC3 for 12.66% and PC4 contributed 10.09% to the total variation. Hierarchical cluster analysis based on agro-morphological traits divided 101 guar accessions into four main groups and six sub-clusters. Clustering was found in association with similar geographic origins and also with morphological differences. On the basis of greater yield potential, seeds per pod, pods per plant and early maturity, promising genotypes have been identified for guar variety development and future breeding programs.


1Department of Plant Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan

2Institute of Agri-Biotechnology & Genetic Resources, NARC, Islamabad, Pakistan

3Department of Biotechnology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan

*Corresponding author’s E-mail:



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