Pak. J. Bot., 47(3): 835-844, 2015. |
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Updated: 23-06-15 | ||||
Impact of polyethylene glycol on prolIne and membrane stabIlIty Index for water stress regIme In tomato (Solanum lycopersIcum)
SonIa George2, NasIr M. MInhas2, Shakeel Ahmad JatoI1, Sadar UddIn SIddIquI1 and Abdul Ghafoor1*
Abstract: Drought is one of the most important constraints worldwide for crop growth including tomato. It adversely affects germination and seedling that ultimately reduces crop development and economic yield. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) gives an indication to abiotic stresses and has been used throughout world in various crops for successful screening and breeding against stresses. Contrarily proline protects plant tissues against stress through preventing molecular denaturation, scavenges reactive oxygen species and interacts with phospholipids. Present paper presents the results on PEG and proline estimation in tomato. The PEG screening reduced the experimental material and finally 20 genotypes (6232, 6233, 6234, 10584, 10587, 17889, 17902, 17904, 19288, 19289, 19290, 19291, 19893, Avinash-2, Feston, Nagina, Punjab Chohara, Ratan and T-4) from diverse origin were investigated for proline estimation, chlorophyll contents and membrane stability index that gave a clear reference for drought tolerance in tomato. All the techniques (PEG, Proline, MSI) related to drought screening were employed and their interactive interpretation will enable us to design future breeding strategies for tomato development under drought that is still a dream for man. Among 20 genotypes, “19291” possessed the highest proline contents hence was tolerant to drought conditions, although needs verification under actual drought for adaptability and yield potential. High MSI under stress was observed for Punjab Chuhara, Chuhara, Avinash-2, Ratan, 19893, 19291 and 6233.
Key words: Tomato, Polyethylene glycol, Stress, Proline, Membrane stability.
1Plant Genetic Resources Institute (PGRI), National Agricultural Research Center (NARC), Park Road, Islamabad, Pakistan 2Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan *Corresponding author’s e-mail: |
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