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Vol. 39(7) Special Issue, 2007

  Updated: 02-12-10
    Papers 41-50

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41. Physiological responses of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes under water stress conditions at seedling stage

S.M. Mujtaba, Muhammad Ali, M.Y. Ashraf, B. Khanzada, S.M. Farhan, M.U. Shirazi, M.A. Khan, A. Shereen and S. Mumtaz

  Pages: 2575-2579  
  Abstract | PDF

42. Alleviating seed dormancy of Tectona grandis L. by temperature, plant growth regulaters and inorganic salts

Tahira Jatt, M. Suhail, Hidaytulla Abro and Abdul Satar Larik

  Pages: 2581-2583  
  Abstract | PDF

43. Effect of wild oats (Avena fatua L.) density on wheat yield and its components under varying nitrogen regimes

Gul Hassan and Haroon Khan

  Pages: 2585-2594  
  Abstract | PDF

44. Reclamation of saline-sodic soils under rice-wheat crop rotation

Saeed A.  Abro and A.R. Mahar

  Pages: 2595-2600  
  Abstract | PDF

45. Effective use of brackish water on saline-sodic soils for rice and wheat production

Saeed A Abro, A.R. Mahar and K.H. Talpur


Pages: 2601-2606

  Abstract | PDF

46. Biological control of Achyranthes aspera and Xanthium strumarium in Pakistan

Shazia Shafique, Arshad Javaid, Rukhsana Bajwa and Sobiya Shafiqe

  Pages: 2607-2610  
  Abstract | PDF

47. Causes of rapid spread of Parthenium hysterophorus L., in Pakistan and possible control measures – a review

Arshad Javaid, Sobiya Shafique and Shazia Shafique

  Pages: 2611-2618  
  Abstract | PDF

48. Effect of aqueous leaf extracts of allelopathic trees on germination and seed-borne mycoflora of wheat

Sobiya Shafique, Arshad Javaid, Rukhsana Bajwa and Shazia Shafique

  Pages: 2619-2624  
  Abstract | PDF

49. Keratinolytic mycoflora from the sludge in Khairpur, Sindh, Pakistan

I.H. Soomro, M. Zardari, Y.F. Kazi and H. Abro

  Pages: 2625-2627  
  Abstract | PDF

50. Check list of Basidiomycetes (Aphyllo. and Phragmo.) of Kaghan valley-11

Kishwar Sultana and Rizwana Aleem Qureshi

  Pages: 2629-2649  
  Abstract | PDF

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