Of the 13 genera of non-leguminous dicotyledonous plants which in other regions of the world have been found to bear alnus-type nodules, four genera...
3(2): 71-78,1971
S. shahid Husain and (miss) Khadija zamir
Studies on the nutrition of fungi VL. Effect of different combination of mono, , DI and tricascharides on the growth of some fungi
Studies were carried out to determine the combined effect of certain mono, di and trisaccharides on the growth of five fungi in liquid culture. Of the seven sugars used, galactose , fructose, maltose ...
3(2): 79-82,1971 -
Deficiency or excess of nitrogeb and potassium over a wide range had no...
3(2): 83-87,1971 -
No abstract...
3(2): 93-95,1971