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Conservation issues of Litsea monopetala (Roxb.) Persoon (Lauracae) in Pakistan

Fazal Amin, Haidar Ali and Hassan Sher


Economically important especially medicinal plants are facing threats of habitat alteration, habitat degradation, unplanned urbanization, over exploitation and unsustainable use practices and these threats are mainly responsible for the current species extirpation. Litsea monopetala is economically important medicinal plant. In Pakistan it was previously reported from Salt Range only, since, no specific locality was mentioned in the literature, therefore, in the present study L. monopetala could not be located in Salt Range in spite of our repeated efforts. However, after four years of continuous field studies during 2015 to 2018, three new localities were discovered i.e. Aba Chena Najigram (district Swat), Shoprang and Char Tambo (district Buner). A total of 218 mature trees were found in 3 localities in 2015, 214 mature trees were found in 3 localities in 2016, 192 mature trees were found in 3 localities in 2017, whereas, 179 mature trees were found in 1 locality i.e. Shoprang in 2018. Whereas, no individuals were found in Aba Chena Najigram and Char Tamboo during the year 2018. During the four years study in these 3 localities 1.84%, 10.28% and 6.77% decrease has been observed in its total population size, respectively. The main threats faced by the taxon were its habitat alteration, agricultural land extension, unsustainable lopping and bark pealing. The bark of Litsea monopetala is sold in the local and national market for its medicinal properties by the local community. Following the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria 2001, based on its extent of occurrence (EOO) of 293.77km2, area of occupancy (AOO) of 20 km2 and population size of 179 mature trees, the taxon is categorized as Critically Endangered (CR). Since, the taxon is found in the community owned lands adjacent to their cultivated fields therefore; it is recommended that awareness raising campaigns should be arranged for effective management of the taxon in its natural habitat.

To Cite this article: Amin, F., H. Ali and H. Sher. 2020. Conservation issues of Litsea monopetala (Roxb.) Persoon (Lauracae) in Pakistan. Pak. J. Bot., 52(5): DOI:

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