Impact of electromagnetic field and heavy metal on growth of Vigna radiata
Muniza Riaz, Sahar Zaidi, Iram Us Salam, Kauser Yasmeen, Akhter Raza and Nabeela Mahmood
The present study deals with the individual and combined effect of heavy metals and EMF. The treatments include different concentrations of lead and cadmium (250mm, 500mm and 750mm) which are selected as higher than permissible limits and other is an electromagnetic field (EMF). The effect of these stresses studied on the length of plant, the leaves number, biomass of plant and accumulation of lead and cadmium contents in mung bean seedlings (Vigna radiata). The results showed 500 and 750mm of lead and cadmium significantly decline plant height, the number of leaves and whole plant fresh and dry weight as in order (Cd 750mm> Cd 500mm>Pb750mm>Pb500mm), but a slight suppressed in all developing parameters and weight when exposed by EMF. Whereas, the combined treatment of lead+EMF and cadmium+EMF i.e 750mmCd +EMF>750mmPb + EMF cause a considerable decline in growth parameter and biomass of mung bean. In mung bean sequence of accumulation of lead and cadmium functioning as Cd 750mm> Cd 750mm EMF> Cd 500mm> Pb 750mm EMF> Pb 750mm. This significant building up of lead and cadmium content under single and combined treatment affected the growth factors of mung bean seedlings.
To Cite this article:
Riaz, M., S. Zaidi, I.U. Salam, K. Yasmeen, A. Raza and N. Mahmood. 2021. Impact of electromagnetic field and heavy metal on growth of Vigna radiate. Pak. J. Bot., 53(1): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2021-1(28)