Ethnoveterinary uses of medicinal plants as herbal drugs for sustainable livestock in southern deserts of Sindh Pakistan
Amir Hussain, Muhammad Zafar, Shehla Shinwari, Zabta Khan Shinwari, Mushtaq Ahmad, Shazia Sultana and Ghulam Yaseen
The southern desert of Sindh, Pakistan is considered as green desert in the World due to rich diversity of medicinal plants and livestock production where ethnoveterinary medicines (EVM) are commonly practiced. Currently, this region is facing famine and natural disaster resulting in mortality of livestock. The present study was aimed to document and analyze the ethnoveterinary herbal recipes made from precious medicinal plants species. Data was collected through field surveys through opened questioners, semi structure interviews, group discussion and personal observation during field survey; and analyzed through quantitative indices such as relative frequency of citation (RFC) and the use value (UV); and to describe the preferred plant species, methods of preparation and plant part used. The data was collected from 225 informants including 145 animal experts and 80 local people. In total, 34 plant species belonging to 19 plant families were reported. The most preferred species were Senna italica, Phyla nudiflora, Solanum surrattense, Fagonia bruguieri and Asphodelus tenufolius. The frequently reported plant part used were whole plants (31%) while less used was latex and bark (1%). The frequent mode of utilization was decoction (27%) while least was extract and juices (1%). The UV varied from 0.052 (Fagiona bruguieri) to 0.013 (Capparis spinosa) whereas the value of RFC ranged from 0.052 (Senna italica) to 0.014 (Amaranthus viridis). The present study would offer baseline data for clinical research in veterinary sciences. Ethnoveterinary data documented in the present study could offer an extraordinary background for conducting studies intended at implementing clinical phytotherapy research for livestock healthcare and production. It is recommended that plant species with high citations, quantitative indices values and preferred by pastoralists should be studied for phytochemical and pharmacological properties for future drug discovery development
To Cite this article:
Hussain, A., M. Zafar, S. Shinwari, Z.K. Shinwari, M. Ahmad, S. Sultana and G. Yaseen. 2020. Ethnoveterinary uses of medicinal plants as herbal drugs for sustainable livestock in southern deserts of Sindh Pakistan. Pak. J. Bot., 53(2): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2021-2(44)