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Glycine max transcriptome changes in response to aphid and volatiles exposures

Hongyu Chen, Ying Yu, Xiuling Chen, Zhenzhu Zhang, Kuijun Zhao and Aoxue Wang


Plant-plant interactions via herbivory-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) have been shown to trigger plant anti-herbivore defense responses. Such volatiles-regulated genes have been studied comprehensively in lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus) and Arabidopsis thaliana at the transcriptional level, but not in soybean (Glycine max). The transcriptomes of soybean leaf tissues responding to aphid infestation and volatiles released from neighboring aphid-infested plants were studied by RNA-seq. Soybean aphid infested plants exhibited 2413 up-regulated and 3905 down-regulated genes, while leaf exposure to volatiles resulted in 2153 up-regulated and 3572 down-regulated genes, which were endowed with a wide range of functions including ‘hormone responses’, ‘pathogen-related’, and ‘oxidative stress’ functions. The results ultimately demonstrated that aphid damage and volatiles exposure elicited drastic metabolic changes in soybean leaves. These results also emphasize that RNA-seq analysis of repressed genes should contribute to our understanding of signal transduction in aphid-infested leaves, as well as in leaves exposed to herbivory-induced volatiles

To Cite this article: Chen, H., Y. Yu, X. Chen, Z. Zhang, K. Zhao and A. Wang. 2023. Glycine max transcriptome changes in response to aphid and volatiles exposures. Pak. J. Bot., 55(5): DOI:  

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