Paper Details


Effects of copper nanoparticles on the organoleptic, physicochemical and nutraceutical properties of grafted tomato fruit

Rocio Maricela Peralta-Manjarrez, Marcelino Cabrera-De La Fuente, Adalberto Benavides-Mendoza, Rafael German Campos-Montiel, Hortensia Ortega-Ortíz and Alma D. Hernández-Fuentes


The changes in the metabolic and physiological processes that occur when a tomato plant’s management, nutrition, and growth environment are modified, are reflected in modifications to the chemical and physical characteristics of its fruit. As such, the object of the present study was to evaluate the changes in the organoleptic properties and the physicochemical and nutraceutical quality of tomato fruit in response to the interaction between grafting and the application of copper nanoparticles (CuNPs). A total of six treatments with or without grafting and either a foliar application (50 g L-1) or a substrate (5 mg/plant) of CuNPs were tested. The results show that grafting tomato plants in combination with substrate, application of CuNPs promotes an increase (21.3%) in fruit equatorial diameter, therefore the fruit of larger size and greater firmness (63.7%), and a lighter red color suggesting a decrease in the ripening index. The highest concentrations of nutraceutical compounds evaluated were recorded when the experimental factors were applied individually

To Cite this article: Peralta-Manjarrez, R.M., M.C.D. La Fuente, A. Benavides-Mendoza, R.G. Campos-Montiel, H. Ortega-Ortíz and A.D. Hernández-Fuentes. 2023. Effects of copper nanoparticles on the organoleptic, physicochemical and nutraceutical properties of grafted tomato fruit. Pak. J. Bot., 55(5): DOI:  

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