Paper Details


Repurposed traditional medicinal plants as an important weapon for fighting against COVID-19: Pakistani perspective

Bushra Arshad


In present scenario, World needs prevention and control of SARS-COV2 ailment epidemic. To manage overall sheer carrier and sufferers of covid-19 needs intensive medical assistance and adjunctive treatment plans to overcome the malady. The outbreak can be coped with support of ailment suppression through public fitness measures and adjunctive treatments for patients. In Pakistan due to scarce health care amenities, most of the rural population rely upon indigenous traditional medicinal plant (TMPs) resources. Due to lack of proper anti-covid-19 therapy, TMPs/ herbal treatments could be helpful as first line of defence. It is indispensable to securitize potent repurposed TMPS to impede viral entry, viral proliferation manifestations, inflammation and immunity booster as major weapons against the COVID-19. However, most of these TMPs are being examined in a lot of molecular docking analysis, In vitro In vivo experimentation and in clinical trials at various levels. Auxiliary to this, review describes current hallmark of vitamins research in efficient functioning of immune system. This overview suggested that traditional medicinal plants are safe and have enough hierarchy of evidence to use them as adjunctive treatment. This review compiles, the medicinal plants with potent bioactive compounds to devise fast and sensitive adjunctive therapy and for further planning to explore suitable candidates for drug development.  

To Cite this article: Arshad, B. 2022. Repurposed traditional medicinal plants as an important weapon for fighting against COVID-19: Pakistani perspective. Pak. J. Bot., 54(4): DOI:  

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