Distribution and ecology of some Carex L. species in sub-tropical pine and Himalayan moist temperate forests
Sundas Aslam, Mansoor Hameed and Muhammad Shahbaz
Carex (Family Cyperaceae) resembles superficially with grasses and rushes. This genus primarily is confined to high elevations, and is among the least studied groups in Pakistan. The present study was focused on the investigation of distributional patterns and ecology of genus Carex in the chir pine (sub-tropical pine forests) and blue pine (Himalayan moist temperate forests) region. About 40 species were collected from five different sites, namely Ayubia, Bansra Gali, Bhurban, Ghora Gali and Patriata. Species were identified with the help of various herbaria, flora and internet resources. Ecological studies were conducted by the quadrat method, and the quadrats were laid along a transect line. Three species, Carex ecostata, C. raphidocarpa and C. lindleyana, were the new records in Pakistan. Relative density was the highest in C. halleriana at Ayubia (elevation 2380 m). At Bhurban (elevation 1890 m), four species (C. nubigena, C. atrofusca, C. diandra and C. pruinosa) were recorded more frequently than all other species. At Ghora Galli (elevation 1850 m), species like C. sanguinea, C. chitralensis and C. turkestanica were recorded more frequently. No Carex species dominated the habitats at Bansra Galli (elevation 1650 m) and Patriata (elevation 1800). Soil physicochemical characteristics showed little variation at all study sites, but variation regarding soil ECe was relatively high. Variation in soil attributes and altitudinal gradients affected the diversity and distributional pattern of Carex species in the Himalayan mountains
To Cite this article:
Aslam, S., M. Hameed and M. Shahbaz. 2021. Distribution and ecology of some Carex L. species in sub-tropical pine and Himalayan moist temperate forests. Pak. J. Bot., 53(5): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2021-5(21)