Molecular phylogenetics and optimization of growth conditions of indigenous edible and therapeutically significant Pleurotus floridanus from Pakistan
Abdul Rehman Niazi and Aneeqa Ghafoor
Poor agricultural practices and unavailability of nutritious food have developed a need to look for some non-conventional way of food production. Mushrooms and their cultivation are the best alternative way to achieve zero hunger and no poverty. In the present study, native Pleurotus floridanus a potentially edible and nutritious mushroom was characterized and evaluated for its cultivability and cultivation potential. P. floridanus is a new record for Pakistan. Maximum cultural growth was observed on the Compost Extract Agar (CEA) medium at 28ᵒC followed by Potato Dextrose Agar medium (PDA) and Malt Extract medium (MEA). Cultured strains on CEA medium were used for the spawn production, Sorghum grains at 28found as the best combination for spawn production. Cultivation potential was investigated on the mixed substrate of wheat straw and sawdust and pure wheat straw only. A mixed substrate was found better than pure substrate. Cultivation was only successful at 16ᵒC that showed that P. floridanus is a lower temperature strain. These results showed that P. floridanus can grow on various types of substrates and medium and its cultivation on large scale can solve one of the major concerns of growing population that is the lack of nutritious and healthy food
To Cite this article:
Niazi, A.R. and A. Ghafoor. 2022. Molecular phylogenetics and optimization of growth conditions of indigenous edible and therapeutically significant Pleurotus floridanus from Pakistan. Pak. J. Bot., 54(5): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2022-5(45)