Paper Details


Cloning and expression analysis of BnMYB90 and BnMYB114 and their regulation on DFR and F3H in Brassica napus

Zhuang Li, Hao Liang, Xi Jiang, Liangjun Huang, Wei Zhang, Shi Xing Guo, Jie Liu, Weiguo Liu, Kai Hou, Junbo Du, Lili Lin, Jin Yang, Shao Hong Fu and Yong Cheng Wu


As one of the most important transcription factors, MYB75 and MYB90 are mainly regulators that influence pigment deposition by promoting the expression of genes through the anthocyanin synthesis pathway in Arabidopsis [Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh]. Yet the members of MYBs and the mechanism in modulation this process in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) is largely unknown. In this work, we found that two MYB TFs (BnMYB90 and BnMYB114) may influence anthocyanin biosynthesis. The transcription of MYB90 and MYB114 could be detected at all tested tissues in B. napus. Both BnMYB90 and BnMYB114 were located in the nucleus, which indicates they act as TFs and could modulate gene expression. Subsequently, results of both experiments In vitro and In vivo indicated MYBs bind to the promoters of F3H and DFR, which belong to an early and late gene of the anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway, respectively. Our experiments provide a preliminary and probable mechanism of how MYB TFs influence anthocyanin synthesis in oilseed rape

To Cite this article: Li, Z., H. Liang, X. Jiang, L. Huang, W. Zhang, S.X. Guo, J. Liu, W. Liu, K. Hou, J. Du, L. Lin, J. Yang, S.H. Fu and Y.C. Wu. 2022. Cloning and expression analysis of BnMYB90 and BnMYB114 and their regulation on DFR and F3H in Brassica napus. Pak. J. Bot., 54(4): DOI:  

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