Paper Details


Effect of cadmium stress on morphological parameteres in different tomato (Solaunm lycopersium L) genotypes

Muhammad Mazhar Hussain, Asif Saeed, Muhammad Yasin, Faqiha-Tul-Jannat, Ghulam Muhammad and Samiullah Khan


One of the key retrain to crop floras specially vegetables is being the heavy metal burden left as industrial waste. Current study’s emphasis on the identification of the greater parents for the development of hybrid varieties with higher yield and improved quality traits of tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.) under cadmium stress condition. Thirteen genotypes of tomato were evaluated via completely randomized design using two levels of cadmium, i.e. 3 ppm, 6 ppm along with control. Important morphological growth traits of tomato plant such as length of root and shoot, weight of fresh and dry root, weight of fresh and dry shoot and metal contents in whole plant were assessed. The aim was to select best genotypes to be used in future breeding program on the basis of metal contents. All genotypes used in study exhibited alteration in studied traits at both levels of cadmium. Shoot length of genotype Roma and CLN-2123 A was least affected even at 6 ppm of cadmium. Root length of genotype Sitara TS-01 was least affected at 3 and 6 ppm levels while genotype CLN-2123 A stayed unaffected at 3 ppm while slightly reduced at 6 ppm. Fresh root weight was found higher in genotype Sitara TS-01 at both levels of cadmium. Genotype CLN-2123 A stored more metal contents in all body parts and showed least effect at dry root weight, dry shoot weight and root length while exhibited reduction in shoot length, fresh root and shoot weight. So genotype CLN-2123 A is suitable for bioremediation of soil while is not suitable for human consumption. Genotype Picdeneato had accumulated least metal contents at both levels, therefore it may be advised for human consumption although grown at both contaminated and sewage water irrigated soils

To Cite this article: Hussain, M.M. A. Saeed, M. Yasin, F.T. Jannat, G. Muhammad and S. Khan. 2023. Effects of cadmium stress on morphological parameters in different tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L) genotypes. Pak. J. Bot., 55(3): DOI:  

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