Development and validation of gene-specific dCAPS markers for a temperature-sensitive male sterile gene TMS5 in rice
Xue Zhang, Wenjing Zheng, Zhongxu Zhang, Zhonghua Sheng, Jiezheng Ying and Guomin Sui
With the popularization of two-line hybrid rice, the corresponding two-line rice lines have been studied extensively. Two pairs of derived cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (dCAPS) markers were designed for the single-base mutation (C/A) of thermo-sensitive genic male sterility (TGMS) rice gene tms5 in this study to quickly and effectively breed thermosensitive genic male sterile lines, and 48 indica and japonica rice accessions and one F2 population were used to validate the accuracy of two markers. The results showed that two dCAPS markers could accurately detect the tms5 gene. The polymerase chain reaction products that could be digested by restriction enzymes corresponded to normal fertile materials, whereas those that could not be digested were related to high-temperature sterile lines. The two dCAPS markers developed in this study can be used to determine whether the rice material is thermo-sensitive sterile and to breed TGMS lines and identify the purity of two-line hybrid rice seeds in marker-assisted selection
To Cite this article:
Zhang, X., W. Zheng, Z. Zhang, Z. Sheng, J. Ying and G. Sui. 2023. Development and validation of gene-specific dCAPS markers for a temperature-sensitive male sterile gene TMS5 in rice. Pak. J. Bot., 55(1): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2023-1(40)