Paper Details


Taxonomic significance of stem, lamina and epidermal micro-characters in understanding Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae alliance

Mohamed E. Tantawy, Mohamed A. Salim, Aya T. Bayoumy and Alsafa H. Mohamed


Despite the importance of Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae, the two families were not thoroughly explored and discussed from taxonomic point of view, because of the limited taxonomic characters and the succulent nature of several species. The stem and lamina anatomical characteristics as well as epidermal micro-characters of 35 wild and cultivated taxa (29 of Chenopodiaceae and six of Amaranthaceae) were investigated using LM and SEM. The specific objective is to estimate the taxonomic weight of these characters in understanding the Chen-Am alliance. The obtained stem, lamina and epidermal micro-characters were considered diagnostic at generic and specific level. Two major aspects of growth:  normal secondary growth (five taxa belonging to Chenopodiaceae) and abnormal growth (30 taxa of Chenopodiaceae & Amaranthaceae). Five sub-types of anomalous growth were recognized viz, successive cambia, medullary bundles, included phloem, included phloem with bipolar vascular bundles or included phloem with medullary bundles. Six types of lamina anatomy were recognized based on mesophyll type, size and distribution of kranz cells viz, atriplcoid, kochioid, kranz-ventrodorsal, salsoloid, flat-leaved salsoloid and non-kranz type. Brachyparacytic and anomocytic stomata, rhomboid crystals, platelets, fissured crust, and granules epicuticular wax were recorded. Most of the obtained data reinforce the alliance between the studied taxa of Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae. The most common characters that support this alliance are anomalous secondary growth (medullary, successive, included phloem), leaf mesophyll (dorsiventral), Kranz anatomy (atriplcoid type), trichomes, druses and sandy crystals, C4 photosynthetic pathway and epidermal characteristics

To Cite this article: Tantawy, M.E., M.A. Salim, A.T. Bayoumy and A.H. Mohamed. 2023. Taxonomic significance of stem, lamina and epidermal micro-characters in understanding Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae alliance. Pak. J. Bot., 55(1): DOI:  

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