On the value of apricot kernel in modern medicine and its future development
Qian Hu, Ying-Ying Chen, Gao-Ying Zhu, Han Zhao, Lin Wang, Hui-Min Liu, Tana Wuyun, Fang-Dong Li and Gao-Pu Zhu
Apricot kernels are one of the most regularly used traditional Chinese medicinal ingredients in Asia. The medical significance of apricot kernels is highlighted since Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) demonstrated its favourable impact when apricot kernels were used in the prevention and treatment of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Furthermore, apricot kernels are high in fat, protein, dietary fibre, and specific amygdalin, making them a new form of dried fruit in comparison to almond kernels, with a bigger market opportunity. This paper systematically reviewed the active components of apricot kernels and their application in medicine, especially for molecular mechanisms of anti-tumors of amygdalin, providing scientific theoretical foundations for modern medicine treatment with COVID-19-induced lung disease, and for the development of high value-added apricot kernels
To Cite this article:
Hu, Q., Y.Y. Chen, G.Y. Zhu, H. Zhao, L. Wang, H.M. Liu, T. Wuyun, F.D. Li and G.P. Zhu. 2023. On the value of apricot kernel in modern medicine and its future development. Pak. J. Bot., 55(2): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2023-2(8)