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Introgression of sugarcane genotypes × phytohormonal concentrations to speed up in vitro somatic embryogenesis and regeneration for development of sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV) free saplings

Sana Noureen, Naeem Akhtar, Wenlong Yang, Ahsan Aziz, Usman Saleem, Talat Mahmood, Muhammad Irfan Yousaf, Nadeem Raza and Samrin Gul


Sugarcane is a valuable cash crop in Pakistan. It has both industrial and economic values as it is an important source of employment and income. Various biotic and abiotic factors cause reductions in sugarcane yield worldwide. Among the diseases, sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV) is one of the most important diseases contributing to such yield losses. Currently, many techniques are used to develop disease-free sugarcane plantlets to enhance yield production, but In vitro propagation has proven to be the best method due to its vegetative propagation. Here, we developed SCMV-free Saccharium officinarium plantlets through callogenesis and regeneration. Four sugarcane genotypes were selected on the basis of four morphological parameters (cane yield, cane height, cane weight and brix percentage) with moderate SCMV severity. The experiment was designed as a two-factor factorial using a completely randomized design. Young leaves of six-month-old sugarcane genotypes were used as explants and cultured on MS medium using four different concentrations of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid as treatments to create somatic variation against SCMV. The best quality callogenesis was obtained at 3mg/L of 2,4-D (T2) in all genotypes studied and genotypes SC11 and SC14 performed better than others for days-to-callus formation (22 days), callus formation percentage (72% and 73%) and callus weight (87g and 90g). Regarding shoot formation, all genotypes responded better at 1mg/L kinetin. Means comparison of genotype*treatment interaction revealed that SC1 and SC14 demonstrated the best shoot characteristics. ELISA detection indicated that SCMV-free plantlets were obtained in all sugarcane genotypes. Therefore, 3mg/L of 2,4-D is the best concentration for somatic variation in sugarcane genotypes, while 1mg/L of kinetin is the best for shoot initiation with the ultimate objective to develop mosaic virus-free plantlets to enhance sugarcane production

To Cite this article: Noureen, S., N. Akhtar, W. Yang, A. Aziz, U. Saleem, T. Mahmood, M.I. Yousaf, N. Raza and S. Gul. 2024. Introgression of sugarcane genotypes × phytohormonal concentrations to speed up in vitro somatic embryogenesis and regeneration for development of sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV) free saplings. Pak. J. Bot., 56(5): DOI:  

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