Quality measurements of various types of wastewaters and their impacts on plant growth
Paras Shah, Muhammad Abid, Kousar Yasmeen, Tooba Naveed, Abdul Hakeem Shaikh, Nusrat Jabeen, Noureen Basheer, Daim Darban and Adam Khan
Wastewater is a rich source of essential nutrients for growth of plants. But accumulation of heavy metals restrict the uptake of nutrients that leads to the deficiency of nutrients in plant body and ultimately reduce its growth. In present study, different types of wastewaters from the Malir (Domestic and Industrial wastewater) and Lyari river were collected and analyzed to evaluate their quality. The effect of wastewater assessed on germination and growth parameters of Abelmoschus esculentus (Okra) and Phaseolus vulgaris (Common Beans). It was evaluated that pH and dissolved oxygen were detected to be under permissible limit of World Health Organization water-quality-standards in DWW (Domestic wastewater) and LWW (Lyari wastewater). Higher amounts of essential nutrients such as Ca, K and Mg were perceived in DWW. Consequently DWW and LWW significantly improved the germination (%) and growth of A. esculentus and P. vulgaris. IWW (industrial wastewater) and mix wastewater (combination of DWW and IWW) reduced germination (%) as well as growth of crops. Higher amount of as and Cd were detected in IWW. Thus, it might be due to their increased concentrations that effected plant growth. However, plant growth depends on quality of applied water as well as variety of crop that tolerate their characteristics
To Cite this article:
Shah, P., M. Abid, K. Yasmeen, T. Naveed, A.H. Shaikh, N. Jabeen, N. Basheer, D. Darban and A. Khan. 2022. Quality measurements of various types of wastewaters and their impacts on plant growth. Pak. J. Bot., 54(2): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2022-2(37)