Antioxidant activity of Seriphidium leucotrichum: an anti malarial plant from Minapin valley, district Hunza-Nagar, Pakistan
Zamarrud, F. Tajuddin, S.S. Shaukat, Iftikhar Ali, Sajjad Ali and M. Qaiser
An ethnomedicinal survey was conducted in 2013 in Minapin Valley, which is an administratively controlled area of Central Karakorum National Park (CKNP), Gilgit and Baltistan. Seriphidium leucotrichum (Krasch. ex Ladyg.) K. Bremer & Humphries ex R. Ling belonging to family Asteraceae was collected during the survey. According to local inhabitants this species was being used as a remedy of malaria fever. Therefore the species was evaluated in order to verify the statement. Folin-Ciocalteu reagent (FCR) method was used to estimate the Total Phenolic Contents (TPC) of S. leucotrichum and DPPH radical scavenging method was used to examine its antioxidant activity. Consequently, 64.5 mg/100 g phenolic contents were calculated from S. leucotrichum. Similarly, it also showed high potential of scavenging activity ranging from 68.18±1.0 to 81.78 ±1.0 μg/ mL .These values were also compared with ascorbic acid which was used as standard. In this connection IC50 values were calculated and were found higher in Ascorbic acid than S. leucotrichum. The present study is the first report on the free radical scavenging properties of S. leucotrichum that might contribute to the possible role of this species against the activity of Plasmodium parasites
To Cite this article:
Zamarrud, F.T., S.S. Shaukat, I. Ali, S. Ali and M. Qaiser. 2022. Antioxidant activity of Seriphidium leucotrichum: an anti malarial plant from Minapin valley, district Hunza-Nagar, Pakistan. Pak. J. Bot., 54(2): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2022-2(43)