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Characterization of diverse cotton cultivars for potassium acquisition based on morphological and physiological traits at early growth stage

Muhammad Naeem Akhtar, Tanveer-Ul-Haq, Fiaz Ahmad, Wazir Ahmed and Abdul Ghaffar


Categorization of cotton cultivars on the basis of their growth performance under nutrient deficient conditions is an essential for the development of K efficient cultivars in any crop. Soil all over the world is exhausting for the supply of adequate potassium (K) nutrition due to intensive systems of crop cultivation. The exploitation of genetic variability underlying efficient K transport system is a viable cost-effective strategy to increase cotton productivity in low input production system. The aim of this study was to characterize 46 diverse cotton cultivars for enhanced K acquisition and utilization efficiency at low (0.26 mM K) and adequate (3.33mM K) potassium levels in a sand culture experiment. Our data revealed that at low K level, the shoot dry matter weight of cotton cultivars ranged from 1.19 to 3.16 g plant-1, whereas K content in shoot tissue varied from 5.5-11.8 (mg g-1dw). Similarly, at low K level, shoot K uptake in cotton cultivars ranged from 6.90 to 37.4 (mg plant-1dw), whereas it was ranged from 30.3 to 67.5 (mg plant-1dw) at adequate K level. An overall 67.6% reduction in total K uptake was noticed in cotton cultivars at low K level when compared with adequate K level. The cotton cultivars were classified into highly, moderately, and poorly K efficient groups based on K use efficiency, dry matter yield index, and morphological and physiological traits. The highly K efficient group includes cultivars e.g., MNH-886, CYTO-124, FH-142, CIM-554, CIM-707 and IUB-2013, whereas the cultivars BH-212 and FH-901 were represented as poorly K efficient cultivars. The moderately K efficient group includes CIM-599, N-444, CIM-534, FH-Lalazar, CIM-443, VH-369, CIM-663, CYTO-515, and BH-184. We concluded that genetic diversity is existed among indigenous cotton cultivars for K utilization efficiency. The K- efficient cultivars can be used as donor of key K acquisition traits in breeding programs to develop cotton varieties with enhanced K uptake and utilization along with high yields

To Cite this article: M.N. Akhtar, T.U. Haq, F. Ahmad, W. Ahmed and A. Ghaffar. 2023. Characterization of diverse cotton cultivars for potassium acquisition based on morphological and physiological traits at early growth stage. Pak. J. Bot., 55(2): DOI:  

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