Evaluation of morpho-anatomical changes in culinary herbs in response to cadmium and lead to explore their role in phytoremediation
Rimsha Anwar, Farhan Ahmad Khan Suri, Saba Butt and Aisha Saleem Khan
Main purpose of this research work was to check whether coriander and mint leaves available in various vegetable markets and nurseries of Lahore are safe to consume and free of heavy metals traces. A field experiment was also conducted to evaluate the potential of the selected plants in accumulating Cd and Pb in their different parts in order to further explore their role in phytoremediation through various morpho-anatomical parameters and spectroscopic techniques. Treated plants were analyzed for fresh and dry weight, chlorophyll estimation, stomatal count, changes in cortical and vascular tissues caused in response to Cd and Pb. Metals uptake in plant tissues was confirmed by atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). In coriander, less uptake of both metals was reported in aerial parts. However, mint accumulated relatively higher amount of both metals in aerial parts which was evident through reduction in length of plants, leaf area and through inhibition of vascular tissues. AAS further revealed that metals were also translocated to leaves of mint, suggesting that plant can be used for phytoremediation of Cd and Pb.
To Cite this article:
Anwar, R., F.A.K. Suri, S. Butt and A.S. Khan. 2023. Evaluation of morpho-anatomical changes in culinary herbs in response to cadmium and lead to explore their role in phytoremediation. Pak. J. Bot., 55(6): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2023-6(37)