Paper Details


Genetic variation in lentil (Lens culinaris Medik) germplasm evaluated under irrigated conditions of agro-ecological uplands of Quetta, Balochistan

Abdullah Baloch, Saadullah Khan Laghari, Muhammad Ejaz, Manzoor Iqbal Khattak, Shazia Saeed, Faiqa Ayub, Hafeezullah and Shaheen Wali


Lentil is a main winter-sown legume crop widely grown in the Mediterranean type of climate, and has significant value as food, feed and fodder. Lentil often experiences considerable drought stress during growth season which negatively impact yield. Application of irrigation at crucial crop stages can stabilize productivity. The objective of this study was to elucidate the effect of irrigation on yield and study the correlated traits for indirect selection for yield. An experiment comprising eleven lentil genotypes including check variety Shiraz-96 was evaluated for yield and related traits under irrigation in randomize complete block designed repeated 3 times at Balochistan Agricultural Research and Development Center (BARDC), Quetta during 2018-19 season. The results indicate that significant genetic variation (p<0.05) is present among lentil genotypes. Results revealed that all the traits exhibit significantly except days to flowering (50%). Maximum grain yield was recorded for genotypes 6 which produced 1030 kg ha-1 grain yield and 3571 kg ha-1 biological yield and 30% harvest index followed by genotype 2 with 1000 kg ha-1 grain yield and 3183 kg ha-1 biological yield with harvest index value of 31%. Grain yield also showed highly positive correlation with biological yield with a value of 0.84. Yield component trait of 100 seed weight depicted highest weight for genotype 5 with 3.52 grams followed by genotype 7 with 3.37 grams. Similarly, number of seeds per plant data showed maximum number of grains for genotype 10 producing 75 seeds per plant. Canopy temperature was also recorded to check the impact of heat on crop. The data on CT revealed genotype 6 as the coolest genotype which was also high yielding. Correlation data also showed moderate negative correlation of CT with grain yield -0.39. Days to flowering (50%) revealed non-significant difference with flowering range of 121 to 127 days. Cluster analysis showed four different groups within 2 major groups. Principal component analysis illustrated that first four components explained 83.9 percent variance with first two PCs explained the major variance of 31.5 and 26.6 variation

To Cite this article: Baloch, A., S.K. Laghari, M. Ejaz, M.I. Khattak, S. Saeed, F. Ayub, H. Ullah and S. Wali. 2022. Genetic variation in lentil (Lens culinaris Medik) germplasm evaluated under irrigated conditions of agro-ecological uplands of Quetta, Balochistan. Pak. J. Bot., 54(4): DOI:  

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