Growth and biomass yield of different cotton cultivars in response to macronutrient application
Irshad Ahmad, Guanglong Zhu, Xudong Song, Shahid Hussain, Muhammad Younas Usama, Muhi Eldeen Hussein Ibrahim, Ebtehal Gabralla Ibrahim Salih and Guisheng Zhou
High or low fertilizer use efficiency has threatened the yield of cotton. In this study, four combined ratios of nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P) and potassium (K) (N1 = 150 N, 0 P2O5, and 0 K2O kg ha−1 (control), N2 = 150 N, 45 P2O5, and 90 K2O kg ha−1, N3 = 150 N, 90 P2O5, and 135 K2O kg ha−1, and N4 = 150 N, 135 P2O5, and 180 K2O kg ha−1) on biomass yield and growth of two cotton cultivars (Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) Siza 1 and Sikang 1) were studied in a two-year (2016-2017) field trial in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. The ratios of N2, N3, and N4 increased biomass production and growth as compared to the control group N1; the flowering period of Sikang 1 cultivar was improved by 20.6%, the boll setting period by 42.8%, and the peak boll setting period by 30.0%. Over the two growing seasons, Siza 1 cultivar increased boll opening by 6.3%, stem fresh and dry weight by 27.6% and 33.3%, leaves fresh and dry weight by 14.5% and 8.7%, and reproductive organ fresh and dry weight by 19.1% and 21.5%. In 2016 and 2017, the higher percentage of N4 reduced the fresh stem weight, fresh leaves, and dry weight of both cultivars compared to N1. The current study showed that the integrated supply of N, P and K at suitable ratios could improve cotton biomass yield and growth during boll development. However, the percentage of N3 ratios was in comparison more effective for cotton growth in the Siza 1 cultivar than in Sikang 1 cultivar
To Cite this article:
Ahmad, I., G. Zhu, X. Song, S. Hussain, M.Y. Usama, M.E.H. Ibrahim, E.G.I. Salih and G. Zhou. 2023. Growth and biomass yield of different cotton cultivars in response to macronutrient application. Pak. J. Bot., 55(6): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2023-6(6)