Grain yield and quality parameters of wheat genotypes as influenced across an elevation gradient
Rabia Goher, Mohammad Akmal, Johar Ali, Gul Roz Khan and Nawab Ali
A genotype’s yield performance is a genetic expression in an environment. However, other than soil and fertility levels, the elevation gradients also expressed changes in yield traits affecting grain yield and quality. This study was designed to evaluate the performance of wheat genotypes across elevation gradients in terms of yield and quality traits. In the winter seasons 2017-18 and 2018-19, three field experiments were conducted in a randomized complete block design having three replications. Four promising wheat genotypes (Pirsabak-2005, Pakhtunkhwa-2015, Pakistan-2013 and DN-84) along with three candidate lines (P-2, P-12 and P-18) were assessed at the Agriculture Research Farm, University of Agriculture Peshawar (AP), Agriculture Research Station at Kashmir (AK) and Agriculture Research Station at Chitral (AC). Two years' average data across genotypes resulted in the highest tillers density (358 m2) in AP, followed by AC (346 m2), and the lowest (256 m2) in AK. Likewise, grain weight per spike also differed with the highest (2.01g) in AC, followed by AP (1.9g), and the lowest (0.74g) in AK. Grain number was observed the highest (36 spike-1) in AP, followed by AC (43 spike-1), and the lowest (29 spike-1) in AK. Changes in yield traits caused variation in grain yield. Moreover, grain quality differed significantly (p<0.05) in the ratio of changes in grain amylose and amylopectin contents. Grain amylose and amylopectin for AP, AK and AC were found to be 22.51% and 77.5%, 25.14% and 74.9%, and 25.83% and 74.2%, respectively. Similarly, the grains gluten and N-content varied by 28.5% and 2.02% in AP, 23.4% and 2.09% in AK, and 25.9% and 2.02% in AC, respectively. Averaged across genotypes, P-18 resulted in maximum tillers numbers and grain number and amylopectin content with relatively a stable amylose and amylopectin ratio for Pakistan-2013. Based on results, it is concluded that elevation gradient is also the governing factor affecting primary traits which expressed different yields with variable grain quality
To Cite this article:
Goher, R., M. Akmal, J. Ali, G.R. Khan and N. Ali. 2023. Grain yield and quality parameters of wheat genotypes as influenced across an elevation gradient. Pak. J. Bot., 55(6): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2023-6(26)