Augmented block design for evaluating round and oblong fruit shape advanced lines of indeterminate tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
Nausherwan Nobel Nawab, Muhammad Kashif Shahzad Sarwar, Sikander Khan Tanveer and Alamgir Alvi
The availability of productive genetic resources after going through hybridization, could further bridge up the hybrid and line development in tomato. Normally the plant material in F7 attains a good level of homzygosity with respect to the traits on which their selection is made. The evaluation of the best advance lines is relatively a crucial task in view of low seed availability for its testing for basic morphological and yield attributes. 123 round and 116 oblong fruit shape advance lines were evaluated for this purpose in Augmented Block Design with 04 set of check hybrids and 04 set of OPVs. Maximum value of coefficient of variability (CV) was observed for fruit yield in both of round (30.76 %) and oblong (24.98 %) fruited advance lines which indicated the presence of variants in terms of yield. The analysis of variance revealed significant sum of squares of means for all the traits for different sources of variation. The treatment effects both unadjusted and adjusted for both of round and oblong fruited lines were found significant for number of clusters per plant, number of fruits per plant and fruit yield. Similarly, the mean squares due to tests versus checks were found highly significant for all the traits indicating thereby the superiority of tests entries over the checks in both of the trials of round and oblong fruit morphologies. 20 round fruited advance lines yielding from 42.41 to 64.35 t/ha were found at par to the check Saalar-F1 (59.08 t/ha). 03 oblong fruited advance lines yielding from 79.53 to 116.67 t/ha showed significantly maximum fruit yield from the high performing check of Sunder-F1 (60.43 t/ha), while 18 other oblong fruited advance lines yielding from 44.60 to 68.47 t/ha were found at par with the high performing check Sunder-F1 (60.43 t/ha). while 18 other oblong fruited advance lines yielding from 44.60 to 68.47 t/ha were found at par with the high performing check Sunder-F1 (60.43 t/ha). The advance lines either superior or at par to the checks may be brought forward for further testing by increasing their seed for their subsequent screening and evaluation
To Cite this article:
Nawab, N.N., M.K.S. Sarwar, S.K. Tanveer and A. Alvi. 2024. Augmented block design for evaluating round and oblong fruit shape advanced lines of indeterminate tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Pak. J. Bot., 56(1): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2024-1(27)