Determination of some agricultural and technological properties of soybean genotypes
Serif Kahraman
This study aims to determine the yield and quality parameters of soybean genotypes that are cultivable under the main crop conditions. The experiments were conducted in Diyarbakir province according to Randomized Complete Block Design in 2017 and 2019 years. The result of mean of two years showed that the highest grain yield was obtained from KA-08-09-1 (4361 kg ha-1) however, the lowest grain yield was obtained from KA-08-09-2 lines (3023 kg ha-1). Additionally, the lowest oil ratio was obtained from the Blaze cultivar (22.4%), while the highest oil ratio was obtained from KA-08-09-2 line (24.0%). According to GGE biplot analysis of traits and genotypes, the advanced line KA-08-09-1 and Blaze cultivar had the largest values for grain yield, number of pods and thousand grain weight. As conclusion, the result of two years of the study indicated that the candidate line (KA-08-09-1) had good results, therefore application for registration was made to the Seed Registration and Certification Directorate in 2021.
To Cite this article:
Kahraman, S. 2023. Determination of some agricultural and technological properties of soybean genotypes. Pak. J. Bot., 55(6): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2023-6(27)