Taxonomical knowledge, biological spectra and ethnomedicinal plant inventory of Asteraceae family in various areas of Gaza strip, Palestine
Mohamad Abou Auda
The current study was designed to provide comprehensive information on the biodiversity, classification, biological spectra, and ethnomedicinal plant inventory of species and genera of the Asteraceae (Compositae) family. A total of 32 plant species belonging to 25 genera of the family Asteraceae were collected from different regions of the study area of the Gaza Strip, Palestine, during 2019-2022. The current study included a dichotomous key for the identification of different genera and species of the Asteraceae based on various characteristics. The result showed that about 29 plant species out of the total studied species had medicinal properties with different biological activities and used for treating various diseases. Most of them were used as antimicrobial (19 spp), antioxidant (18 spp), anti-inflammatory (14 spp), and anticancer (11 spp). The genus Centaurea was represented by 3 species (9.4%), followed by Leontodon, Crepis, Carduus, Erigeron and Anthemis genera. Three life forms were recognized and Therophyte life form was the most dominant with 25 plant species (78%), followed by Hemicryptophyte with 4 species (12.5%), and finally, Chamaephyte with 3 species (9.5%). According to the ethnomedicinal survey, whole plant was most widely (10 spp) used followed by an aerial part (9 spp), and leaves (7 spp) for treating different ailments. Asteraceae family is rich in terms of medicinal plant species which are important for their used in traditional medicines for the treatment of different diseases, and the most used species were Verbesina encelioides, Calendula arvensis, Erigeron canadensis, and Silybum marianum.
To Cite this article:
Abou Auda, M. 2023. Taxonomical knowledge, biological spectra and ethnomedicinal plant inventory of Asteraceae family in various areas of Gaza strip, Palestine. Pak. J. Bot., 55(6): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2023-6(36)