Paper Details


Effect of different treatment methods on Hypericum monogynum nutrient composition

Chen Xu, Ke Wu, Shoucheng Huang, Yanli Cheng and Yuanbing Zhang


A Hypericum monogynum (H. monogynum) variety was chosen and exposed to six pretreatment methods: vacuum drying, natural air drying, hot air drying, sugar solution, acid solution, and salt solution to understand its physical and chemical properties and nutrient content. After drying and avoiding light for two months, the samples were tested and analyzed for their nutrients, including their moisture content, soluble sugar content, soluble protein content, total flavonoid content, carotenoid content, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) content, and the contents of nine mineral elements, including N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Zn, Cu, and Fe. It was found that the nutrient content of H. monogynum was affected by the different treatment methods. Among them, the content of soluble sugar, soluble protein, L-ascorbic acid, metal elements, nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) was significantly higher for the vacuum dried samples than for the other treatment methods. Vacuum drying may be utilized as an ideal method for retaining H. monogynum nutrients. The natural and hot air-drying treatments were cheaper and simpler to operate, and what's more, they were second only to vacuum drying in terms of improving soluble sugar and soluble protein concentrations. Although the carotenoid concentration of H. monogynum in the acid solution treatment was substantially higher than for the other treatments, it impeded the total flavonoid accumulation. The sulfur (S) content was much higher for the sugar solution treatment than for the other treatments. By analyzing the variations in the nutrient composition of H. monogynum for these different treatments, this study provides a scientific reference for H. monogynum research

To Cite this article: Xu, C., K. Wu, S. Huang, Y. Cheng and Y. Zhang. 2023. Effect of different treatment methods on Hypericum monogynum nutrient composition. Pak. J. Bot., 55(2): DOI:  

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