Antimicrobial activity of phenolic and flavonoid enriched extracts of Dolomiaea macrocephala (Asteraceae): a medicinal plant from western Kashmir Himalayas
Muhammad Jamil Ahmed, Ghulam Murtaza and Farooq Ahmed
The objective of current study was to investigate total phenolic, flavonoids and triterpenoids content in various solvent extracts from leaves and roots of Dolomiaea macrocephala and their inhibitory effect against pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Disc diffusion method was adopted to find out antibacterial and antifungal potential of various solvent extracts. Total phenolic, flavonoids and triterpenoids content were determined by the Folin–Ciocalteu, aluminium chloride colorimetric method and vanillin–glacial acetic acid method respectively. Their correlation with antimicrobial activities was statistically analyzed by Pearson's correlation coefficient method. The present study revealed highest phenolic and flavonoids content in methanol and aqueous extracts in both leaves and roots of D. macrocephala. The highest triterpenoid content was recorded in petroleum ether extract. Various solvents extract from leaves and roots showed significant bactericidal effect against both Gram Negative and Gram-Positive bacteria. However, only aqueous and methanol extracts of D. macrocephala exhibited remarkable zone of inhibition against post-harvest fungal pathogens. The Pearson’s correlation revealed a significant positive correlation between total phenolic and flavonoids content in various solvent extracts in both leaves and roots with their antibacterial activity. The findings from present study revealed that antibacterial activities of different solvent extracts from leaves and roots were due to highest phenolic and flavonoids content. Thus the study insight the presences of major bioactive compounds in plant extract and showed their potential antimicrobial application against antibiotic resistant bacteria
To Cite this article:
Ahmed, M.J., G. Murtaza and F. Ahmed. 2024. Antimicrobial activity of phenolic and flavonoid enriched extracts of Dolomiaea macrocephala (Asteraceae): a medicinal plant from western Kashmir Himalayas. Pak. J. Bot., 56(6): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2024-6(2)