Rhizobacterial inoculants combined with inorganic and organic amendments affected wheat attributes, soil properties and soil enzyme activities
Muhammad Zubair Khan, Qudrat Ullah Khan, Nabeel Rizwan, Asghar Ali Khan, Obaid Ullah Sayal, Asif Latif and Muhammad Dilawaiz Khan
A field experiment to investigate the impact of mineral fertilizers, organic manure along with microbial inoculant on agronomic attributes, soil properties and enzyme activities on wheat quantitative and qualitative attributes. The experiment was laid in Randomized Complete Block Design with split plot arrangement. Bio–inoculants (Biozote Max and Biozote) were assigned to the main plots, while organo – chemical amendments including press mud @ 5 t ha-1 + ½ RDF, Poultry Manure @ 5 t ha-1 + ½ RDF, FYM @ 5 t ha-1 + ½ RDF, NPK @ 90: 120: 150 kg ha-1 were allocated to sub plots. Soil phosphate contents, growth, physiology, and yield of wheat and enzyme activities were studied. Result of the study showed that biozote max gave higher vale for various parameters namely plant height (91.3 cm), number of tillers per plant (9.96), thousand grain weight (42.15g) and straw yield (37.33 t ha-1). While the grain yield (5.33 t ha-1) and harvest index (51.33) were recorded highest in the NPK treated plots along with biozote max. Biochemical parameters showed highest chlorophyll content (2.86 SPAD value) and P – uptake (9.88 mg kg-1) in FYM integrated with biozote max plots, while the percent protein content (12%) was found maximum in NPK along biozote max. Soil Parameters including soil pH, Electrical conductivity and Bulk density were significantly reduced 8.17, 1.24 µScm-1 and 1.41 g cm-3 respectively by the application of different amendments. The Nutrients content was also significantly changed by the application of organic amendments with Rhizobacterial inoculation. The Acid and Alkaline Phosphatase activity was significantly changed, acid phosphatase was recorded higher in treatment where inorganic fertilizer was applied, while Alkaline Phosphatase was higher in Poultry manure treated plots along with inoculants. These results reflect that organic amendments, inorganic fertilizer and inoculants have significant role in improvement of soil physico – chemical properties, nutrients content and activity of enzyme phosphatase
To Cite this article:
Khan, M.Z., Q.U. Khan, N. Rizwan, A.A. Khan, O.U. Sayal, A. Latif and M.D. Khan. 2024. Rhizobacterial inoculants combined with inorganic and organic amendments affected wheat attributes, soil properties and soil enzyme activities. Pak. J. Bot., 56(5): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2024-5(4)