Paper Details


Influence of native weeds species on germination, growth performance and survival of barley seedlings

Basira Sher, Mudassir Asrar, Saadullah Khan Leghari, Shamim Gul, Manzoor Iqbal Khattaak and Shaheen Wali


Allelopathy denotes to a biological marvel wherever the plants interferer plants by discharge of carbon-based chemical (allelo-chemical) in nearby soil atmosphere as water leachate or root exudate. Weeds extracts produced allelo-chemicals which might be prevent the many crop seeds germinations. The entire study was conducted to evaluate the properties of aqueous extract of eight native weeds specie (Alhagi maurorum, Amaranthus spinosus, Amaranthus viridis, Avena sativa, Chenopodium album, Convolvulus arvensis, Euphorbia helioscopia, Sisymbrium irio) on final germination % age and rate of germination, length of root and shoot of seedling and day of survival after germination of barley plants in the laboratory of botany department university of Balochistan Quetta-Pakistan. Aqueous extract of two weeds (Convolvulus arvensis and Euphorbia helioscopia) were extra active in seed germination stopping (65%) of barley as compared to other weeds species which showed 70-85% germination. The minimum survival days after germination of seedling was noted for Amaranthus spinosus, Convolvulus arvensis and Sisymbrium irio which showed 0% germination after Day 12 and 16. Data also indicated that the barley seed showed significant decline in velocity of propagation, germination indices and weight of seedling under the influence of all leaf’s weeds extract even though mean germination time was found highest as noted to control

To Cite this article: Sher, B., M. Asrar, S.K. Leghari, S. Gul, M.I. Khattaak and S. Wali. 2023. Influence of native weeds species on germination, growth performance and survival of barley seedlings. Pak. J. Bot., 55(3): DOI:  

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