Expression profile of PdpapHB12 gene in response to stress for Populus davidana × P. alba var. pyramidlis
Yue Zhang, Jiamin Lie, Kuo Cui, Jiankun Yang, Abdul Majeed Baloch, Surui Liu, Yuejia Zhang, Abdul Wahid Baloch and Rongshu Zhang
In this study, biotic and abiotic stress response gene was investigated in poplar. PdPapHB12, the specific response gene in Shanxin poplar, was cloned by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction. PdPapHB12 encoded a non-transmembrane and hydrophilic protein, and also was a transcription factor of HD-Zip I subfamily. The tissue-specific expression profile of PdPapHB12 in poplar was achieved with and without various stresses and inductions. It was verified that PdPapHB12 was expressed in the shoot tip (ST), leaves (L), stems (S), and roots (R) for poplar plantlets, and the highest expression was obtained in L3. The effects of abiotic stress (NaCl, Na2CO3, and polyethylene glycol 6000), biotic stress (inoculating the roots of poplar by pathogenic fungus), and phytohormone induction on the PdPapHB12 expression was further investigated. It was found that the PdPapHB12 expression was the most evident changes by polyethylene glycol 6000 in all tissues. Moreover, the expression was obviously increased by F. oxysporum (p<0.05), and significantly decreased by C. chrysosperma induction in all tissues. The expression was significantly increased by inducting jasmonic acid and abscisic acid in all component, while the increased expression was obtained only in L2 and R under salicylic acid induction. However, the PdPapHB12 expression was down-regulated under the SA induction in ST
To Cite this article:
Zhang, Y., J. Lie, K. Cui, J. Yang, A.M. Baloch, S. Liu, Y. Zhang, A.W. Baloch and R. Zhang. 2024. Expression profile of PdpapHB12 gene in response to stress for Populus davidana × P. alba var. pyramidlis. Pak. J. Bot., 56(1): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2024-1(10)