Salt induced positive and negative effects on germination and other physiological traits of Sorghum vulgare seedlings
Iqtidar Hussain, Zuhair Hasnain, Sara Zafar, Muhammad Jawad Nazir and Shakeel Ahmed Jatoi
Salinity has long been noted as a great limiting factor to crop productivity. Sodium chloride (NaCl) proportion in saline soil of Pakistan causes ion toxicity to various plant species. Sorghum is known as ancient salt tolerance species in cereals. Irrigation with saline water is a limiting factor that causes reduction in production of several crops. Salt stress negatively influences the growth, development and metabolic pathways of plants. The current study was planned to investigate the tolerance of sorghum to salinity (NaCl) in a lab experiment carried out under Completely Randomized Design. Five different salt concentration levels (0, 2.5, 5, 10 and, 15g L-1,) were applied to quantify the impact of salt stress. The morphological attributes were recorded on germination count, germination %, coleoptile length, plant length, shoot and root length, fresh weight of plant, root and shoot as well as dry weight of shoot & root. Physiological parameters viz., chlorophyll content (µg cm2), leaf area (cm²), plant growth rate (g mˉ² dayˉ¹), specific root, shoot and plant length and root shoot ratio were checked. Significant differences were observed after two weeks and four weeks + 2 days of seedling emergence. Higher salt concentrations over 2.5 gL-1 adversely affected all the studied parameters. However, low salt concentration level (2.5 gL-1) had a stimulatory impact on germination (80 %) and other traits of sorghum. i.e., coleoptile, plant, root & shoot length etc. Maximum coleoptile length (6.98 cm) was recorded after 15 days and root length (29.02 cm) after 30 days at 2.5 gL-1 of NaCl saline solution
To Cite this article:
Hussain, I., Z. Hasnain, S. Zafar, M.J. Nazir and S.A. Jatoi. 2024. Salt induced positive and negative effects on germination and other physiological traits of Sorghum vulgare seedlings. Pak. J. Bot., 56(3): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2024-3(13)