Proximate and elemental assessment of six selected plant species at various phenological stages from district Bajaur, Pakistan
Aminul Haq and Lal Badshah
Proximate and elemental analysis can be used to assess the nutritional value of plants. The health and feed of cattle are influenced by the phytochemical contents. This study is designed to investigate the proximate and elemental composition of selected plant species at three different phenological stages i.e. pre-reproductive, reproductive and post-reproductive. The proximate analysis revealed that Conyza canadensis had the highest content of carbohydrates (59.2%) in all six species. Olea ferruginea was found with the highest concentration of fiber (37%) and protein (18.38%), while Rubus fruticosus had the highest content of fibers (33%), protein (13.13%) and moisture (10.6%) next to carbohydrates. The proximate parameter's correlation matrix showed a strong negative correlation. The highest concentrations of the macro-nutrients N (120950 µg/g), P (10900 µg/g), K (82575 µg/g), Ca (62550 µg/g) and Mg (3675 µg/g) were found in Conyza canadensis in the pre-reproductive and reproductive stages. Elevated concentrations of micro-nutrients like Cu, Fe and Zn were detected in Rubus fruticosus, Daphne mucronata and Alnus nitida. Potassium had a significant correlation with Ca (0.768***) and Mg (0.761***) while nitrogen has a negative correlation with all macro-nutrients. Fe has a significant correlation with Zn (0.649**) and Cu displayed a negative correlation with all macro-nutrients. The proximate and minerals profiles of the selected plants were found within permissible limits and the concentrations were similar to those reported in other regions of Pakistan
To Cite this article:
Haq, A. and L. Badshah. 2024. Proximate and elemental assessment of six selected plant species at various phenological stages from district Bajaur, Pakistan. Pak. J. Bot., 56(3): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2024-3(31)