DNA screening of strawberry cultivars and hybrids (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) for resistance of fungal diseases
Margarita Keldibekova, Elena Bezlepkina, Marina Zubkova And Maria Dolzhikova
Disease resistance is one of the most important tendencies of breeding programs to improve the assortment of strawberries (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) all over the world. A trial was conducted using molecular SCAR markers to make it possible to identify genotypes carrying the genes of resistance to anthracnose black rot and Phytophthora root rot, to involve the selected genotypes in further crosses to obtain cultivars with complex resistance to pathogens. The trial was comprised of 29 cultivars of strawberries (F. ananassa Duch.) of various ecological and geographical origins, as well as 3 hybrid families from the VNIISPK collection. As a result of the DNA analysis of strawberry cultivars from the VNIISPK collection, the SCAR marker STS-Rca2_240, closely linked to the Rca2 gene (determining the resistance of strawberries to anthracnose black rot, to the races of Colletotrichum acutatum Simmonds of the 2nd group of pathogenicity) was detected in 3 cultivars of Rosinka, Siria and Malwina and in 136 hybrids from the «Alba × Rosinka» and «Rosinka × Darselect» families. The marker of the dominant allele of the Rpf1(determining the resistance of strawberries to blight root rot, to the races of Phytophthora fragariae Hickman) SCAR-R1A gene was not found in any of the cultivars selected for analysis. However, the presence of the SCAR-R1A marker was found in the hybrid family «Rannya Plotnaya × Govorovskaya», which indicated its presence in one of the parents, DNA analysis of the parent cultivars was not carried out. The selected cultivars and hybrids with genetically determined resistance to anthracnose black rot (Rca2) and phytophthora root rot (Rpf1) are valuable and prospective for involvement in breeding for complex resistance to fungal diseases.
To Cite this article:
Keldibekova, M., E. Bezlepkina, M. Zubkova and M. Dolzhikova. 2024. DNA-screening of strawberry cultivars and hybrids (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) for resistance to fungal diseases. Pak. J. Bot., 56(2): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2024-2(29)