Desert blooms: unraveling palyno-anatomical diversity in arid Boraginaceous taxa
Bibi Sadia, Mushtaq Ahmad, Fazal Ullah, Muhammad Zafar, Shazia Sultana, Abdulwahed Fahad Alrefaei, Wajia Noor, Asma Ayaz and Wajid Zaman
The significance of palyno-anatomical features in characterizing Boraginaceous taxa from the arid regions is determined. The pollen micromorphology is carried out utilizing LM and SEM. For petiole anatomy, the sections were prepared using Shandon microtome and visualized under LM. The distinct significant palynological characters are hetropolarity, isocolpate, heterocolpate, porocolpate, polar, equatorial views, shape class, Amb, and exine ornamentation. Similarly, the petiole outline, cell shapes, number of layers, air spaces, and arrangement of vascular bundles are important distinguished anatomical features. Significant diagnostic variations were observed in the analyzed palyno-anatomical features, which efficiently differentiated the species within the same genera of Heliotropium, Rochelia, as well as the varieties of the single species Lappula spp., L. spinocarpos, L. spinocarpos subsp. ceratophora, O. limitanea var. limitanea, O. limitanea var. major, P. intermedium var. intermedium, P. intermedium var. calathicarpum. The quantitative data is compiled into a matrix, and subjected to statistical analysis via NCSS. The boxplot analysis identified the outliers in the data which assisted in taxa discrimination. The species of Heliotropium and Paracaryum were in the same cluster. In contrast, those of Onosma, Rochelia, and Lappula were in the different clusters in the hierarchal cluster analysis. The highest positive correlation existed between the polar axis with the equatorial diameter and mesocolpium with the polar length of the colpi. Meanwhile, exine thickness and equatorial width of colpi were negatively correlated. This research will help in the creation of pollen atlas and petiole anatomical documentation for the accurate identification of Boraginaceous taxa
To Cite this article:
Sadia, B., M. Ahmad, F. Ullah, M. Zafar, S. Sultana, A.F. Alrefaei, W. Noor, A. Ayaz and W. Zaman. 2024. Desert blooms: unraveling palyno-anatomical diversity in arid Boraginaceous taxa. Pak. J. Bot., 56(5): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2024-5(15)