Paper Details


Interactive potential of Bacillus megaterium A12 and biochar in chromium stress mitigation in Spinacia oleracea: methylglyoxal detoxification and activation of antioxidant enzymes

Samia Anwar, Anis Ali Shah, Nasim Ahmad Yasin, Musarat Ramzan, Waheed Ullah Khan, Shazia Kousar, Ghulam Hassan Abbasi, Saleh Alfarraj, Emre Babur, Ömer Süha Uslu, Sami Al Obaid and Muhammad Iftikhar Hussain


Metallic toxins are potential threats to human health and the achievement of optimum plant growth. In these toxins, chromium (Cr) is carcinogenic. Its higher plant accumulation caused oxidative damage by producing reactive oxygen species (ROS). However, antioxidant biosynthesis is a natural defensive mechanism that can alleviate Cr toxicity in plants. Furthermore, biochar (BC) addition in soil has been reported as an effective amendment for Cr immobilization. Inoculation of rhizobacteria is also well documented as an efficacious tool for improvement in plant growth under heavy metals stress. The present study was conducted to cover the knowledge gap of the combined use of Bacillus megaterium (A12) and BC for chromium (Cr) stress mitigation in Spinacia oleracea. There were eight treatments with five replications following a completely randomized design. Results showed that in Cr-contamination, A12 and BC decreased malondialdehyde (MDA) and electrolyte leakage (EL) in S. oleracea plants. A12 and BC significantly improved catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity. A significant increase in shoot dry weight (27%), chlorophyll a (31%), phenolic contents (59%) and total chlorophyll (32%) validated the efficacious role of BC+A12 over control. Furthermore, Cr stress alleviation was credited to the increment activity of antioxidative enzymes and the detoxification of methylglyoxal, besides increasing ascorbic acid and proline content. In conclusion, the synergistic interaction of BC and A12 is an efficacious approach to mitigating abiotic stresses in plants. More investigations are suggested at the field level to declare the best application rate of BC with A12 to alleviate Cr stress in different crops

To Cite this article: Anwar, S., A.A. Shah, N.A. Yasin, M. Ramzan, W.U. Khan, S. Kousar, G.H. Abbasi, S. Alfarraj, E. Babur, Ö.S. Uslu, S.A. Obaid and M.I. Hussain. 2023. Interactive potential of Bacillus megaterium A12 and biochar in chromium stress mitigation in Spinacia oleracea: methylglyoxal detoxification and activation of antioxidant enzymes. Pak. J. Bot., 55(5): DOI:  

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