Selection impact on variability in yield related traits among the Chinese wheat hybrids under the climatic condition of Pakistan
Zainab Iftikhar, Muhammad Arif, Aamir Iqbal, Tamana Bakht, Gohar Zaman, Xiang Zheng Liao, Chang Ping Zhao, Sheng Quan Zhang and Sajid Ali
Stagnancy in wheat yield over the past decades due to the dependence on limited source of germplasm necessitates exploration of novel sources of genetic variations including the potential of hybrid technology. The present work was designed to assess the potential of Chinese wheat hybrid germplasm for cultivation at Pakistan. For this purpose, 416 hybrids were studied in the year 2017-18 and a subset of high performing and better yielding 108 hybrids were selected and tested in 2018-19. Significant variability (p<0.01) was observed among the hybrids with better performing hybrids for all the studied parameters, particularly thousand grain weight, grain yield, biological yield and harvest index. Considering the yield related traits in the preliminary field evaluation of 416 hybrids (during 2017-18), 1000-grain weight ranged from 34 g (for 17BH088) to 50 g (for 17BH203) among the Chinese hybrids while it ranged from 36 g to 43 g among the local check varieties. For the grain yield, the values ranged from 2000 kg ha-1 (for 17BH016) to 6053 kg ha-1 (for 17BH218) among the hybrids while it was in the range of 3382 kg ha-1 to 4233 kg ha-1 among the local check varieties. The biological yield values among the Chinese hybrids ranged from 7733 kg ha-1 (for 17BH088) to 15893 kg ha-1 (for 17BH015) while among the local check varieties it ranged from 10687 kg ha-1 to 11971 kg ha-1. The overall impact of selection was positive on the spike and yield related parameters. For example, the grain yield increased from 2982 kg ha-1 (in the preliminary collection) to 4138 kg ha-1 for the selected lines (during 2018-19). Although selection increased the mean value, the variability was decreased for most of the parameters. The selection differential and modified genetic advance, for 1000 grain weight, was 13.74% and 21.90%, respectively. For grain yield, selection differential was 41.21% and G.A was 38.74%; for biological yield, S.D was 34.46% and G.A was 32.79% while for harvest index, S.D was 5.58% and G.A was 2.883%. The performance of the hybrids was assessed for two years which was higher for all the parameters especially yield related parameters which increased for the second-year selected hybrids. Among the 108 hybrids, the maximum grain yield observed was 6053 kg ha-1 for 17BH218 (2017-18) and 6999 kg ha-1 for 17BH101 (2018-19), much higher than the local checks. In case of biological yield, the maximum value recorded was 15893 kg ha-1 for 17BH015 (2017-18) whereas 16019 kg ha-1 for 17BH035 (2018-19), higher than the check varieties. This will enable to come up with diverse set of varieties from distinct sources of germplasm to increase yield and reduce genetic homogeneity in the crop
To Cite this article:
Iftikhar, Z., M. Arif, A. Iqbal, T. Bakht, G. Zaman, X.Z. Liao, C.P. Zhao, S.Q. Zhang and S. Ali. 2025. Selection impact on variability in yield related traits among the Chinese wheat hybrids under the climatic condition of Pakistan. Pak. J. Bot., 57(1): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2025-1(13)