S.E.M. studies of trichome types in representative species of the sect. Polyactium and Sect. Ligularia in the genus Pelargonium L. Her. (Geraniaceae)
Syeda Saleha Tahir, Maria Liz-Balchin, S.Z. Husain and M.T.M. Rajput
Trichomes from the leaves of 11 species of Pelargonium L' Herit., were examined with the S.E.M. Trichomes observed were of either non-glandular unicellular and uniseriate-type or were glandular, uniserrate stalk of different length, with a unicellular head consisting of spherical or oblong spherical terminal cell. The surface of the trichomes were smooth to granulate-tuberculate. The study revealed that trichomes of the leaf indumentum can be used as an additional aid in the identification and determination of relationship between the species.
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