Effect of water quality on the algal diversity; a case study from Tanda dam and selected streams of district Kohat and Hangu, Pakistan
Rehana Nazir, Fazli Malik Sarim, Fida Hussain, Muhammad Hamayun, Yong-Sun Moon, Sajid Ali, Abdulwahed Fahad Alrefaei and Rafia Azmat
In this study, 94 algae taxa were isolated and identified from 137 samples collected from 6 sampling stations along the banks of 1 river, 4 streams and 1 dam in District Kohat and Hangu. The algal taxa comprised 39 genera, 31 families, 18 orders, 7 classes, and 4 phyla. 15 genera and 32 species represented Bacillariophyta, Charophyta 7 genera and 33 species, Chlorophyta 10 genera and 15 species and Cyanophyta 7 genera and 14 species. The highest number of species were contributed by Cymbella (7 sp.), Spirogyra (15 sp.), Ulothrix (4 sp.) and Merismopedia (4 sp.). In the sampling sites, the highest number of species were found in Tanda Dam (79 sp.), followed by Kohat River (73 sp.), Jabi Toi (67 sp.), Khanki Toi (65 sp.) and Alizai Toi (64 sp.). However, the lowest number of species (3) were found in Shanga Toi (61). Diversity analysis indicated that the highest species richness (Margalef Index), species dominance (Simpson Index) and species evenness (Brillouin Evenness Index) were found in Tanda Dam (13.99, 0.988 and 3.804, respectively). Assessment of physicochemical parameters of water quality showed that water temperature ranged from 21.3oC to 22.5oC, pH from 7.63 to 8.25, Oxidation Reduction Potential (mV) from 73.3 to 89.4, Electrical Conductivity (µS/cm) from 493 to 752, Resistivity (Ω-cm) from 1326 to 2028, Total Dissolved Solids (ppm) from 246 to 377, Salinity (psu) from 0.24 to 0.37, Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) from 23.76 to 45.31, Chloride (mg/L) from 184 to 284, Sodium (mg/L) from 28.4 to 84.7, Carbonic Acid (mg/L) from 7.1 to 9.2 and Total Hardness (mg/L) from 168 to 280. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) indicated that Electrical Conductivity (EC) negatively influenced the diversity of Charophyta species. In contrast, Carbonic Acid and Total Hardness positively influenced the diversity of Bacillariophyta species. Temperature, Resistivity and Dissolved Oxygen (DO) also negatively influenced the diversity of Chlorophyta species
To Cite this article:
Nazir, R., F.M. Sarim, F. Hussain, M. Hamayun, Y.S. Moon, S. Ali, A.F. Alrefaei and R. Azmat. 2024. Effect of water quality on the algal diversity; a case study from Tanda dam and selected streams of district Kohat and Hangu, Pakistan. Pak. J. Bot., 56(2): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2024-2(23)