Comparative field adaptability of some potential cultivars of cigar tobacco in Hanzhong, Shaanxi province: growth and gas exchange attributes
Zhang Le-Yi, Lu An-Zhi, Abdul Ghaffar Shar, Wang Ping-Ping, Ai Sui-Long and Zhang Li-Xin
This study was aimed for high-quality planting and variety selection of cigar tobacco through the comparative analysis of the field growth adaptability and photosynthetic efficiency of cigar tobacco in Hanzhong of Shaanxi Province. This study comprised eight cigar tobacco varieties, Chuanxue No. 3, QX200, QX206, Haiyan 101, QX103, QX201, QX100 and QX204. These varieties were compared using different botanical traits, agronomic traits, disease resistance, chlorophyll SPAD values and photosynthetic characteristics. Cultivar Chuanxue No. 3 had the highest chlorophyll SPAD value, disease resistance, and net photosynthetic rate (Pn) compared to the other varieties used in the trial. Plant height, effective leaf number, maximum leaf length, and maximum leaf width of Haiyan 101 cultivated under shade were significantly greater than those of the other varieties. Disease resistance, chlorophyll SPAD value and Pn were higherin Chuanxue No. 3. The disease resistance, chlorophyll SPAD value and Pn of QX103 and QX201 were next to those of Haiyan101. The leaf shape of all varieties was long or wide elliptical; all had no petioles, and the leaves were flat or stead; the inflorescence was dense and the plant type and leaf size of most of the varieties met the quality requirements of the cigar industry raw materials The study indicated that in terms of field growth adaptability and photosynthetic efficiency, cvs. Chuanxue No. 3, Haiyan 101, QX103 and QX201 performed better so they could be considered as the main planting varieties in Mianxian County, Shaanxi province. Of all varieties tested here, Haiyan 101 is more suitable for shaded planting as a cigar wrapper variety
To Cite this article:
Le-Yi, Z., L. An-Zhi, A.G. Shar, W. Ping-Ping, A. Sui-Long and Z. Li-Xin. 2024. Comparative field adaptability of some potential cultivars of cigar tobacco in Hanzhong, Shaanxi province: growth and gas exchange attributes. Pak. J. Bot., 56(4): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2024-4(3)