Paper Details


Patterns of fruit and seed production and characteristics of soil seed bank of desert plant Hypecoum erectum L. (Papaveraceae)

Shanlin Yang, Rongrong Cui, Kexin Sun, Zipeng Zhang and Chunzhi Zhou


The fruiting and seed setting patterns and characteristics of soil seed bank of Hypecoum erectum L. were counted by field investigation statistics. The results showed that there was a significant positive correlation between the proportion of dichasium of different sizes in all inflorescence and its seed setting rate, among which the proportion of dichasium containing 4-10 flowers (medium number of flowers) and its seed setting rate were the highest. This distribution pattern can ensure the reproductive success. The fruiting pattern within inflorescence is shown the location of single flowering (counting from 1-order branch near stalk end) has a negative linear correlation with its seed setting rate. The 1st order branches at the base of the inflorescence had the highest seed setting rate, while the 4th order branches at the top had the lowest seed setting rate. The results of this study can explain the reasons for the difficulty of sexual renewal in natural populations, providing a theoretical basis for the conservation of this species. And there is a correlation between seed rate and seed location in the fruit. The seed rate was lowest at the base and top of the fruit and highest in the middle. The seed bank density showed that leeward sides of the shrub > smoothly sandy area > windward sides of the shrub in population A; bottom > lower > middle > top of dune in population B. The number of valid seeds distributed within the depth of 0 - 2 cm in the seed bank was decreasing gradually from June to May in next year. The vertical position of sand dunes and wind erosion are important factors affecting seed bank density

To Cite this article: Yang, S., R. Cui, K. Sun, Z. Zhang and C. Zhou. 2025. Patterns of fruit and seed production and characteristics of soil seed bank of desert plant Hypecoum erectum L. (Papaveraceae). Pak. J. Bot., 57(3): DOI:  

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