Preventing bolting in onion (Allium cepa L.) bulb crop; effect of transplanting date and seedling age
Noor Habib Khan, Muhammad Azim Khan, Attaullah, Zakria Bacha, Shafiullah, Muhammad Zamin and Akhtar Ali
Premature bolting reduces the shelf life and marketable yield of onion bulbs. This issue is investigated in the current study. Nursery of different seedlings ages were transplanted on different dates for two seasons. Experiments were conducted in RCBD with factorial arrangements. Most of the growth and yield parameters were significantly affected by transplanting dates and seedling age. Premature bolting and unmarketable yield decreased with delay in transplanting and increased with an increase in seedling age. Two-month seedlings transplanted in mid-December gave maximum marketable yield. Transplanting 45-60 days old seedlings from 15 December to 15 January is recommended for minimum bolting percentage and highest marketable yield.
To Cite this article:
Khan, N.H., M.A. Khan, A. Ullah, Z. Bacha, S. Ullah, M. Zamin and A. Ali. 2024. Preventing bolting in onion (Allium cepa L.) bulb crop; effect of transplanting date and seedling age. Pak. J. Bot., 56(4): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2024-4(39)