Plant distribution in Jamadan mountain, Saudi Arabia
Abeer M. Kutby, Mohamed Shakdofa and Emad Ali Alsherif
Granite outcrops occurring as low mountains or oulder-strewn hills are found on the crystalline plates of all continents across a wide range of biomes and climates. The study area was divided into three different habitats: rocky slopes, shallow soil, and surrounding habitats that were surveyed for five consecutive years and related the surveys to the total rain. A total of 81 plant species belonging to 64 genera and 27 families were identified. The Fabaceae, Poaceae, and Amaranthaceae plant families made up 35.8% of the total number of species recorded in the study area. The dendrogram obtained through Ward classification of the recorded fifteen floristic assemblages confirms the high impact of slight precipitation on the floristic composition. Fourteen species of plants were restricted to the granite outcrop, most of which have medicinal importance and are not found in other habitats, which shows that granite outcrops offer comparable kinds of microenvironments. Sudano-Zambesian elements by 31.5% dominate the recorded chorological elements. Due to the existence of numerous microhabitats, the study has shown that Mount Jamadan contains a wide variety of plant species that are distinct from the surrounding habitats. In addition, the study proved that small amounts of rainfall have a strong impact on floristic composition, life forms, and chorotype in the granite outcrops in arid land
To Cite this article:
Kutby, A.M., M. Shakdofa and E.A. Alsherif. 2025. Plant distribution in Jamadan mountain, Saudi Arabia. Pak. J. Bot., 57(4): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2025-4(18)