Paper Details


Improved agronomic practices to enhance the productivity and quality of canola (Brassica napus L.) under the arid climate of southern Punjab, Pakistan

Qurat-Ul-Ain, Haseeb-Ur-Rehman, Muhammad Nadeem Shah, Muhammad Shaheryar, Muhammad Tanveer Altaf, Naseem Sajjad, Ali Sheryar, Sulaiman Ali Alharbi, Saleh Alfarraj and Mohammad Javed Ansari


Canola is an oilseed crop with up to 48% oil content. The productivity of canola is affected by a lack of improved agronomic practices. For this purpose, a field trial with different agronomic practices was laid out to improve canola productivity in the arid climate of Southern Punjab. Treatments included the different sowing methods i.e. Conventional method (CM), Gap chat method (GM), Drill sowing (DS), Ridges sowing (RS), and Bed sowing (BS); and seed rates [S0= recommended seed rate (2 kg per acre), S1= reduced seed rate (1.5 kg per acre), S2= highly reduced (1 kg per acre), S3= very high reduced (500 g per acre)]. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with split-plot arrangement and was repeated three times. Sowing methods were adjusted in the main plot, while seed rates were placed in the sub-plot. The results showed that different sowing methods and seed rates had a significant interactive effect on growth and yield attributes. The conventional method with a reduced seed rate (CM×S1) took a maximum number of days to pod formation versus (vs.) bed sowing with a recommended seed rate (75.7 vs. 61.7) and days for maturity (143.7 vs. 120.7). The maximum plant height (158.3 cm), number of pods per plant (76.3), number of seeds per pod (40.3), pod length (4.93 cm) and 1000-grain weight (6.41 g) was noted in the bed sowing with reduced seed rate (BS×S1). The bed sowing with a reduced seed rate (BS×S1) increased the grain yield and biological yield as compared to the conventional method with a very high reduced seed rate (CM×S3). The same result for canola oil contents was noted. It was concluded that bed sowing with reduced seed rate is the improved agronomic practice to enhance the productivity of canola under the arid climate of southern Punjab

To Cite this article: Ain, Q.U., H.U. Rehman, M.N. Shah, M. Shaheryar, M.T. Altaf, N. Sajjad, A. Sheryar, S.A. Alharbi, S. Alfarraj and M.J. Ansari. 2025. Improved agronomic practices to enhance the productivity and quality of canola (Brassica napus L.) under the arid climate of southern Punjab, Pakistan. Pak. J. Bot., 57(1): DOI:  

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