The embryology of richardia brasiliensis gomez. (syn . richardsonia pilosa H.B. AND K). (rubiaceae)-A reinvestigation
Mohammad inamuddin and mohammad farooq
Flowers of richardia brasiliensis gomez
. are trimerous. Inferior ovary is tricarpellary and trilocular. Ovules are hemianatropous, unitegmic and tennuinucellate. The so-called strophiola is well developed. Development of anther wall layer is normal . the tapetal cells are uni- nucleate and glandular. Microspores are tetrahedral . mature pollen grains are shed at 3-nucleate stage. The nucellus is 1-3 celled . hypodermal archesporial cell functions as the megaspore mother cell. The chalazal megaspore of a tetrad is functional. Embryo sac development is
polygonum type. Double fertilization is observed . the development of endosperm is nuclear type . the embryogeny conforms to the solanad type. Terminal cell of the suspensor appears to be haustorial. The seeds are albuminous.
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