Seasonal variation in rhizospheric population of diazotrophs and rot associated nitrogenase activity of some wheat mutants.
Rakhshanda bilal and kauser A. malik
An experiment was conducted to study
the positive nitrogenase activity associated
with wheat roots . five mutants (M-5, M-
25, M-13 , M-14 , M-46 ) originating from two different wheat varieties viz, indus
66 and C-591, were selected on the basis of better germination percentage when grown in an unfertiized field plot. The roots were excised and subjected to acetylene reduction assays (ARA) to assess the comparative nitrogenase activity of different mutants. Enumeration of N2-
fixing microbial population in rhizoplane (
RP) and histoplane (HP) was done at two growth stages i.e. tillereing and maturity
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