Effect of sea water salinity on nodulation and nitrogen fixation in prosopis juliflora (Swartz) DC.
s. tariq
mahmood and A. mahmood
Fifty six day old prosopis juliflorasedlings
were subjeacted to 40, 50, 60, 70 and
80% sea water treatment for one month. After 86 days the morphology of nodules
, root-shoot ratio and total nitrogen content in root and shoot were analysed. Nodules showed morphological alterations in size and shape . root-shoot ratio was lowest in the control and
showed a gradual increase with increasing sea water concentrations. The amount of nitrogen in the stem and leaves showed a gradual decrease due to disturbance in the translocation od divalent cations to the aerial parts, while roots registered a gradual increase with increasing sea water concentrations due to accumulation of assimilated nitrogen n the rocks.
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